
Save on Hosting Today… 

 April 30, 2020

By  cham

One thing most of us needed to do during this time around is to find ways to save.

As a financial guru here in the Philippines said, "money not spent is like money earned."

Today, I wanna specifically show you how to save on your hosting.

For your web hosting

If you do anything online, web hosting is the most basic thing you need. 

And while we are experiencing these challenging times, it's great that hosting providers are doing special promos.

But what provider are you going to use?

Well, there's hundreds of options but I'll rather recommend something I'm currently using because I can vouch for there quality service. 

And the good news for you today is that, SiteGround has now a special promo of ONLY $0.99 for 3 months!

If you are currently using a faulty hosting, this is your chance to get a reliable hosting for a very LOW price!

They have a free migration so you can transfer your site to their hosting.

Their support is very good so you can get great help from them when needed.

If you still don't have any website and hosting at the moment, I highly recommend that you start here now...

For your video and file hosting

There are multiple platforms to use for private video hosting like Wistia, Vimeo, Vidello, etc.

And for file hosting, there's Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive etc.

I used all of these and they are all great. However, using too many platforms can also skyrocket your bills.

So to save for your file hosting and sharing, I recommend my backup platform called MaxDrive.

While I'm still using Vimeo and Amazon S3 right now, I'm also consider to fully transfer everything to MaxDrive - let's see how it goes.

So if you want to save and just pay one-time for a single platform that hosts videos and digital files, get MaxDrive now...


Cham Altatis is a video guy who jumped into the internet marketing world. He is currently teaching small business owners from around the world on how to promote their products and services online through videos.

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