
Live Chat & Marketing in Your Site Using FB 

 January 20, 2018

By  cham

Adding a live chat on your site can help a lot with better customer experience, which leads to better sales for you.

That's because prospective buyers can communicate with you right away and you can answer their concerns on the spot as well.

There's a lot of live chat solutions out there but you can simply take advantage of your FB page messenger.

I'm using Manychat (which I'm paying monthly) to do me FB messenger marketing but I found a great alternative (and it doesn't have monthly fees)...

It's called Socilead Messenger. Here's a demo...

SociLead Features:

  • check
    Auto comment reply and private reply Feature
  • check
    Auto Comment Reply with Tagging the Commenter
  • check
    Image/GIF/Video Comment Reply
  • check
    Hide/Delete Page Comment
  • check
    CTA Poster
  • check
    “Message Us” Button Generator
  • check
    Bulk Message Sending to Your Facebook Messenger Leads

Grab Socilead from this page and get the following EXCLUSIVE Bonus...


Cham Altatis is a video guy who jumped into the internet marketing world. He is currently teaching small business owners from around the world on how to promote their products and services online through videos.

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