
FB Marketing Apps You Can Consider 

 March 24, 2018

By  cham

Like what I already told in my previous vlog, I now do more video ads than video SEO.

And the native Facebook Ad Manager is good enough to run your campaigns.

But of course, using some third-party apps can also help.

And so today, I wanna show you some apps that you can consider if you want to go the video ads route like me.

These are also tools that I’ll be showing inside my upcoming updated Social Video Ads course…

Facebook Autoresponder

I don’t know if you already heard about Facebook Messenger Marketing that runs almost like Email Marketing.

It’s relatively new and it’s one of the best ways to get engagements nowadays.

I myself have been learning about it (and still learning) and I already got good results from it.

This is a new module I’ll be adding in my training soon.

For this, I’m using a cool app called Manychat.

The app has a lot of features and the developers themselves even have a internal course about Messenger Marketing that I myself am learning from.

Manychat has a free version but it has leaves that “Powered by Manychat” mark.

To represent your brand better, I recommend upgrading to Pro.

You just have to pay starting at $10 per month and the pricing grows as your number of subscribers grow as well.

So if you don’t like to pay per month for this solution and you think you don’t need those other features anyway, you can consider SiteContact instead.

Here’s a demo on how it works…

"Engagement to Leads" App

Another awesome app that really got my attention is this solution that converts those who will like, click, and comment to your Facebook ads into leads.

This is something that you cannot do natively inside Facebook Ads Manager so it's really amazing!

There's this app called AdSmartly that allows you do to this.

I really like what it does and I was supposed to record my full review and demo of the app.

But there was a prolonged power interruption here in our place so I'm sorry but just checkout this overview demo from them for now...

But trust me, if you know FB ads, you're going to love what this app has to offer.

I'll be creating a module on this inside Social Video Ads soon so I recommend you to get this while they are running their "special launch period."

Grab AdSmartly from this Page and Get the Following Bonuses...

Bonus 1 - WP Flat Visual Chat - Live Chat & Remote View for WordPress

Bonus 2 - Advanced WordPress Frontend Animator

Bonus 3 CartActivate - WooCommerce Abandoned Cart & Remarketing in Facebook Messenger

How to claim the bonuses:

After purchasing AdSmartly from this page, contact http://helpdesk.adsmartly.net to claim your bonuses


Cham Altatis is a video guy who jumped into the internet marketing world. He is currently teaching small business owners from around the world on how to promote their products and services online through videos.

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