
Do Meetings, Live Webinars, & Auto Webinars, in One Platform 

 January 16, 2020

By  cham

Normally, you need separate apps to do meetings, live webinar, and automated webinars online.

But we're now in the time wherein things are getting combined in one single platform for ease of use and simplicity.

That's what Meetvio did and I'm happy to be one of the first ones to try this platform.

I do automated webinars often and I demonstrated Demio before inside Social Video Ads when I talked about evergreen automated campaigns.

While Demio is great, I admit it's somewhat pricy for some, plus it does not have the meeting feature (something you can do in Zoom) that Meetvio has.

Meetvio is like a Demio and Zoom combined, at a much more affordable price. Watch the following demo by Neil Napier on how it works...

My Exclusive Bonuses for You  if You Grab Meetvio from this Page...

High Converting Webinar Template (Valued @197)

This is the exact webinar deck and content that I used for my highest converting launch that earned me 5 figures. This webinar content is something I learned from a mentor in his $2K course I enrolled in...

Professional Powerpoint Templates (Valued @97)

When I was still doing services for Neil Napier, he asked me to prepare some webinar slide templates he can use for his webinar presentations. i created some and then collected them for future use. This is that exact collection.


Cham Altatis is a video guy who jumped into the internet marketing world. He is currently teaching small business owners from around the world on how to promote their products and services online through videos.

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