It's this time again wherein we have to say goodbye to this year and welcome another year.
And before the new year 2020 comes, I just wanna share my 2019 internet and video marketing.
By the way, I first planned to do this in a video, but we're still in a vacation mode and my daughter is here the entire time so I just can't record a video.
Also, I do admit that there are things that are better shared through a blog article than a video, and this is one of those cases.

The Good and Not So Good
While gurus always wanted to look incredible and invincible, I wanted to be fully transparent here.
I'll talk about both the good things and bad things that happened, what worked and what didn't, my success and failures.
Products Released
Course Updates
Most of the products i released this year are updates of the products I created before.
These are Motion Ads, Vidtasia, and Social Video Ads.
New Courses
Then I also released a new course about vlogging for business called Vlogr, then finally opened a pre-membership of my brand new program Video CEO, which we will start early next year.
I'm really glad that a lot of you enrolled to these courses but I also admit that the results are not like 4 years ago.
This is because of the growing competition plus a lot of noise in the internet marketing industry today.
Also, I notice that a lot of people who are enrolling to my course are not really taking the time to go over the content and apply them.
Thus, I'll gradually improve my programs more and increase the pricing as well.
This way, I'll have more serious students to come in and I can give more valuable content and better experience at the same time.
In fact, I already started to do this by creating a new membership, funnel, and sales process platform.
Failed App Development
Admittedly, I always wanted to develop my own app because compared to courses in our circles, apps do sell better.
As a marketer told me, his subscribers are too lazy to go over courses and they just want to buy software.
I already failed once in trying to develop an app in 2017 and yet here I am trying to do it again, thinking I might be able to pull it off this time.
However, I failed once again, wasting a lot of money in the process.
So I don't know. Maybe app development is just not for me or I need to learn properly on how to do this if ever I'll do it again.
But for now, I plan to rather do courses while providing services, rather than developing an app.
Affiliate Products
While there are lots of crappy products in the market these days, there are still some that are actually good so I promoted them.
I also reviewed hot products that are actually not good so you'll not grab them.
While I always love to give my honest reviews of affiliate products, specially for video apps being released these days, my goal is to lessen my affiliate product promotion and focus more on my own bigger products.
I just accepted a few services this year because I focused more on creating my products.
In fact, I had to deny some services from clients.
However, videos are growing even bigger in 2020 so I'm already preparing our video marketing agency for the upcoming year.
Lesson Learned From this Year
I realized even last year that the game became tougher but I really felt the impact this year.
While things became a bit more challenging, I also realized I need to up my game.
I'm slowly going away from the "JVZoo-style" cheap products and moving forward to more premium products with more serious members.
I'm also starting to grow more my social media and get more long term followers.
Speaking of which, if you still didn't do so...
Subscriber to my Youtube channel
and maybe even connect with my on LinkedIn
This way, you'll be updated with all the all the things I'm doing to help you grow your business.
After the new year celebration, I'm also going to share to you my 2020 plans and goals.
If you also want to share how was your 2019, just leave a comment below.