Marketers out there know that videos are HOT and so they love creating video creation apps each and every time.
It's so common to see headlines such us...
"The Ultimate Video Creation App" or "The Only Video Creation Tool You Need"
Only for the same folks to release another yet "Ultimate Video Creation App" in the next month or so.
The truth is, most of those tools are just secondary and you first need a primary video editing app like Adobe Premiere Pro, Camtasia, or the likes.
Only consider those secondary apps if you already have a main software in place.
But even if you already have a main tool, you don't have to buy all the new tools coming out these days.
Watch the following video to learn the few secondary apps I recommend...
Secondary video creation apps I recommend...
Among all the video creation apps released so far, this is the one that I highly recommend.
Watch the following video reviews I did about it before (just ignore my previous site I mentioned in the video because it no longer exists)...
Viddyoze also developed the "Live Action" version which is kinda cool. In the lates version, I guess they just combined the 2. Here was my review of the live action version...

Although I'm not big fan of it, I admit some of the features of Video Robot such as 3D characters, text-to-speech, etc. are also useful. If you want to learn more about this app, just checkout my full review.
There are also other great ones such as Explaindio (graphics and whiteboard animation), EasySketchPro (whiteboard animation), Doodly (whiteboard and blackboard animation) and Reevio (almost similar with Viddyoze).
Again, you don't really need to grab all these apps.
If you ask me, just get Viddyoze because it's the best and proven secondary app I saw so far.
It's like the "After Effects" for non-pro video creators because it's packed with awesome video graphics yet it's so easy to use.
Not to mention the guys behind this app are really nice guys and you can really trust them.
So instead of wasting your money in unnecessary video apps out there, just get Viddyoze if you haven't already, and you'll be good.

Very nice post Cham. I appreciate your honesty and reviews…;)
You’re welcome Sam…